Why is ‘Projekt’ in The Superhero Projekt spelt with a ‘K’?

In English, the letter K represents the voiceless velar plosive. This means that when saying ‘K’ – the sound is produced without vibrations of the vocal cords
The letter K comes from the Greek letter Κ (kappa), which was taken from the Semitic kaph, the symbol for an open hand
The letter ⟨k⟩ is silent at the start of an English word when it comes before the letter ⟨n⟩, as in the word “know” or “knowledge”
In English, the letter K is the fifth least frequently used letter, with a frequency in all words of 0.8%
In the International System of Units (SI), the prefix for one thousand is K, meaning one thousand times
K is the unit symbol for the kelvin, used to measure thermodynamic temperature
K is the chemical symbol for element potassium (from its Latin name kalium). Potassium is soft enough to be cut with a knife with little force, and it reacts rapidly with atmospheric oxygen after only seconds of exposure.
In chess notation, the letter K represents the King
In fracture mechanics, K is used to represent the stress intensity factor.
In physics, k stands for Boltzmann’s constant. The Boltzmann constant is the proportionality factor that relates to average relative kinetic energy
In Old Norse, K was used for “konungr” – or to abbreviate the word “skulu” (shall)
And finally, in The Superhero Projekt, the stroke of the letter K represents ‘straighty 180 normal society, while the upward stem represents ‘spiraling upwards’, and the downward stem represents ‘spiraling downward’ – which are the two options you have if you do not want to be like the rest of society.